Lab 7 - Terrain Visualization

In this lab assignment we applied various tools and methods to visualize different types of terrain data, such as DEMs (Digital Elevation Models), TINs (Triangulated Irregular Networks), and contours. We used various Spatial Analyst Extension Tools to do so, such as Contour and Hillshade (under Surface) and Focal Statistics (under Neighborhood). We also enabled the Maplex Label Engine and used Label Manager under the Labeling Toolbar to achieve effective contour label placement and applied variable-depth masking. Finally, we visualized terrain data in ArcScene by adjusting an exaggeration factor on the data's base height.

Specifically, the objective for the map below titled "Yellowstone National Park" was to visualize land cover classification by using a hillshading (also known as 'shaded relief') technique on a provided DEM. To achieve optimum results, I experimented with transparency values on the land cover's symbology.

On the other hand, the objective of the map below was to apply best practiced contour labeling principles to achieve legibility against the many competing features of the geographic extent. This was achieved by configuring various Contour Placement Style properties (Centered Curved, Page Alignment +/- 90 degrees, and Laddering -- to name a few), using the Feature Outline Masks tool (under Cartography), and applying variable-depth masking.
