Final Project: Quantifying Tree Canopy Coverage Using Supervised Image Classification
Tree Canopy Coverage Using
Imagery for Urban Forestry Management
recent years, Central Florida’s population has increased at an alarming rate.
In fact, in an article published by Forbes earlier this year entitled, “Full
List: America’s Fastest Growing Cities 2017,” Central Florida (which includes
the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan area) was ranked second in the country
with a population growth of 2.95% in 2016, and a projected population growth of
3.14% in 2017 (Sharf, 2017). This increase affects community and housing development,
which involves the construction, mass grading, and excavation of vegetative
lands. These rapid changes to the landscape has brought awareness to
environmentalists and city planners of local governments and municipalities, of
the need to implement an urban forestry management plan.
forestry is defined as the caring, planning, maintenance, and management of
tree populations in urban infrastructures, while promoting their health and
economic benefits in the human environment (Wikipedia, 2017). Some of these evidence-based
benefits include, but are not limited to: cleaner air, improved water quality,
reduced utility bills, and thermal comfort – which are directly associated with
reduced stormwater runoff, irradiance absorption, transpiration cooling,
reduced pollution, increased infiltration, and more (Livesley et. al, 2016).
recently, the Parks and Public Lands Department at Osceola County Board of
County Commissioners (located in Kissimmee, Florida) met with consultants to begin
establishing an urban forestry management plan. I work as a GIS Technician at
this organization. When I found out about the project I became immediately
intrigued as I was simultaneously learning about image processing techniques for
land use/land cover (LULC) classification in our Photo Interpretation and
Remote Sensing graduate class. The Urban Forester Specialist at Osceola County
is currently using an open-source platform from the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service and other contributors called “i-Tree Canopy”
to estimate tree coverage in the county’s urban growth boundary. The tool is incredibly
neat, useful, and free; it creates outstanding statistics such as atmospheric
carbon value estimates and error scores (USDA, 2017a). However, there are some
drawbacks in using the platform. For example, it uses Google Maps aerial photography
for the user to manually assess cover type for thousands of generated points in
the study area; and, integration of i-Tree Canopy with ArcGIS products for
further spatial analysis and creation of cartographic outputs does not
currently exist.
my final project, I wanted to challenge myself by attempting to use my newly
acquired skills from class by applying automated image processing techniques in
a real-world scenario at work.
Project Goal
goal of this project is to perform a supervised image classification on
remotely-sensed imagery within Osceola County’s urban growth boundary for the purpose
of quantifying tree canopy coverage to assist in a department’s urban forestry
management plan efforts. Additionally, this project aims to showcase the
benefits of using a) higher-resolution satellite data, b) automated processing,
and c) the world’s leading geospatial data system: ERDAS Imagine.
remotely-sensed data used for this project is a Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational
Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor) C1 Level-1 from Landsat 8 satellite. The imagery
is dated December 2, 2017, and was downloaded through the U.S. Geological
Survey’s Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis). It has a total of 11 bands
(coastal aerosol, blue, green, red, near infrared, short-wave infrared 1,
short-wave infrared 2, panchromatic, cirrus, TIRS 1, and TIRS 2). The OLI multispectral
bands have a 30-meter resolution, the OLI panchromatic band has a 15-meter
resolution, and the TIRS thermal bands have a resampled 30-meter resolution.
Pre-Processing Techniques
the download, the data needed to be reformatted and converted from a compressed
format (.tar.gz) to TIFF, and then to .img, before applying pre-processing
techniques. To do this, I unzipped the .tar.gz file first using the “7-zip”
option, and then unzipped the file it created again. The second unzipping
created a new folder containing the 11 TIFF images, one for each bandwidth.
Then, I imported TIFF bands 1 through 7 only into ERDAS Imagine and converted
them to .img. Then, using the Layer Stack tool (under Raster tab > Resolution group
> Spectral) I brought in the 7 .img bands to create a multispectral
image. Finally, I created a subset of an area within Osceola County’s urban
growth boundary using the Inquire Box tool.
Processing Techniques
project’s goals were to create a supervised image classification (in ERDAS Imagine). To begin
this, I created spectral signatures and AOI (Area of Interest) features by
using the Grow tool and Polygon tool under the Drawing tab, but first I needed
to make sure to add a new, blank AOI layer to do so. I decided to create 5
signatures: Trees, Urban, Water, Wetlands, and Other Vegetation.
While creating my
signatures, I made sure to adjust the Spectral Euclidean Distance and
Neighborhood settings when necessary so that the P, I, H, and A columns were
all checked off. During this process, I also recognized and eliminated spectral
confusion between signatures in bands by using both the Histogram and Mean Plot
tools and kept track of the bands that had the greatest separation among
signatures. I found that bands 2, 3, 4, and 6 had the greatest separation. To
create my final image, I ended up using bands 3, 4, and 6.
To run the
classification process using these bands, I did the following: on the Signature
Editor window > Edit > Colors > Approximate True Colors > Set
Signature Colors. The final steps included: applying a Parametric Rule of
"Maximum Likelihood" to create both an Output File and an Output
Distance File; merging classes to new, unique values using the Recode tool
under Raster tab > Thematic, as well as adding class name and acreage
columns to the attribute table. After all changes were saved, I imported my
final working image into ArcMap to finalize my cartographic design product.
was semi-successful in conducting a supervised image classification from
high-resolution satellite imagery using a reputable and powerful software. From
the subset I created, I can quantify the acreage of tree canopy coverage versus
the other classifications. Unfortunately, where I failed was in not being able
to combine two imagery downloads comprising of the urban growth boundary in
Osceola County. The satellite image scene cuts across the county, which made me
unsuccessful in acquiring the canopy coverage measurement as intended. But that’s
okay. I’m close. I now know what to focus on the next round. Also, I should
have created more signatures than I did because I noticed that there are areas
in my classification that shouldn’t be what they were classed.
a topic of my choice was challenging but rewarding because it made me revisit
all my notes, readings, process summaries, lab instructions, and blog posts to
remember the sequence of steps. It’s important to do things systematically to
avoid doing double work.
Additional Screenshot
B. (2017). Lab instructions 6, 7, and 10 [Lecture notes]. Retrieved from
S. J., McPherson, E. G., & Calfapietra, C. (2016). The urban forest and
ecosystem services: Impacts on urban water, heat, and pollution cycles at the
tree, street, and city scale. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45,
119-124. Retrieved from
S. (2017). Full list: America’s fastest-growing cities 2017. Forbes.
Retrieved from
Forest Service. (2017a). i-Tree Canopy (v6.1) [Web software application].
Retrieved from
Forest Service. (2017b). i-Tree: Learn about i-Tree. Retrieved from
(2017a). Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Archives.
Retrieved from
(2017b). What are the best Landsat spectral bands for use in my research?.
Retrieved from
(2017). Urban forestry. Retrieved from
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