Lab 4 - Color

The linear and adjusted progression color ramps compare greatly to the results from ColorBrewer because of the stepwise intervals employed. My linear progression color ramp had a consistent interval value of 25 for each R, G, and B, which resulted in a sequential color scheme that parallels the logic of the data. For my adjusted progression color ramp, I used the interval values obtained from the linear regression, but increased the R values by 1/3, decreased the G values by 1/3, and maintained B values the same. However, I only made these changes to the darker classes (1 thru 4), and left classes 5 and 6 the same. This method is meant to assist in color perception since research shows that people have difficulty distinguishing darker colors verse lighter colors in a linear progression (Morgan, 2015, p. 5). ColorBrewer’s stepwise intervals, on the other hand, did not have consistent interval between any of the classes. The difference in values from classes 3-2 show the greatest range, however, the other classes do show a pattern of increasing RGB values as the color becomes lighter.
